Wheeler (and related) Wills and Probates |
This page last updated: 30 Mar 2014 - File split from Deaths and Obituaries,
then 1 probate/will added - William Wheeler, Sr.
All Wills / Probates here will be arranged by the date of publication/filing. To find a specific Probate / Will, use the search function (CTRL F) on your browse or find the name in the hyperlinked names (alphabetized by first name) below. The left side of the page will contain the actual Probate or Will or the abstract from a printed book. The right side will contain notes and opinions (mine and others) concerning the facts presented on the left. Links to images will be in the right column. |
Judah - 1816 |
Judah Wheeler White Co., Illinois Probate Box 53, Carmi, White Co., IL. |
Copy of probate on file. Extract from White Co., Illinois Probate Box 53 |
Probate for a Juda(h) Wheeler dated 2 Sep 1816 up to 18 Jul 1825 and signed by David Bailey, Jesse Cannon, and Richard Cannon. |
Two minor heirs are listed in this probate - Martin & Malinda., There is no indication of age and I do not find them in any other White county documents later. Who was this family? Do you know? |
William Wheeler
Hamilton Co., IL Will Book A pages 5 & 6. |
Copy of both pages here (opens in new window). |
A copy of the Will for William Wheeler, Sr. dated 8 Sep 1830 and signed by Isaac Hale, Lewis Land & William Rylie. The Will was Probated 8 - 19 Sep 1832. |
William Wheeler
White Co., IL Probate file in Circuit Court |
Copy of probate on file. Link to pdf of content of folder here (opens in new window). |
Probate for a William Wheeler written 5 Mar 1832 and signed by Allen Randolph and Joseph F. Morchane(?). |
Renae Farris has identified this as William W. Wheeler, the husband of Ann Mathis who was from Union Co., KY & then Wayne Co., IL. His page on the Wheeler-roots.org web site is located here. (opens in new window). No connection has been made between this William W. Wheeler and our William Wheeler Sr. who died two years earlier. To complicate matters worse, they both had sons, William Wheeler, Jr. who stayed in the White/Hamilton county areas. |
William Wheeler
The McLeansboro Times, McLeansboro, IL - 20 Jun 1877. |
Extract from Legacy of Kin |
Published notice showing James Wheeler as Administrator. | This William is the son of Henry & Priscilla (Mayberry) Wheeler and James is his older brother. Since he was not married at the time of his death, his probate papers in HCI contain a lot of information on his siblings and their children. |
Please send comments/suggestions to me at my Record
Ranch account, or my VABB account.