The Wheeler Guest Book
Due to so many spammers flooding my guestbook with unwanted advertising and
spam, I have had to remove it.
If you would like an entry placed here, please email
it to me and I will post it. If you would like a current listing modified, removed,
or an email changed, just let me know.
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All new entries will be added below this line when approved.
Hi, Vince:
It's been awhile since I last visited this website. I don't know what Wheeler
material of mine I have already sent you, but I am definitely interested in
being involved. I believe somewhere, my Wheeler line intersects with yours.
Let me know.
Gene Wheeler
USA - Feb 12, 2007 at 23:03:12
I am 3G-granddaughter to William and Artimissa Stephens found marriage bond, he paid $300 to marry her. My aunt believes he had to buy her because she was an Indian, what do you think? Still searching for Margaret/Peggy's parents? Andrea.
Andrea Ybarra
USA - Tuesday, June 06, 2006 at 13:21:31 (CST)
I found your article on the murder very interesting. My branch of the Wheeler family lived in Deep River near Salisbury, in Guilford County, NC for many years leaving there to move north to Indiana. My research has been concentrated lately on the Wheelers in North Carolina as I am planning on moving there soon and since I have several pictures already of the Indiana areas I have researched I hope to add NC pictures to my research shortly after we get settled. Feel free to contact me for swapping of information if you'd like. Thanks! and goodluck on your research.
Home Page Link
Cheryl Ann Hartley, Harrison
USA - Monday, November 07, 2005 at 23:02:31 (CST)
I have been too busy to give this site much attention in the past years. My web site hosting was recently been moved and I just noticed that the guestbook did not go with it. I had a backup so it is back up. If anyone notices problems with the main data pages, please let me know. Thanks
Vince Miller
Catlett, VA USA - Wednesday, April 06, 2005 at 07:23:06 (CDT)
My Wheeler's in White and Wayne Co, IL were most likely connected to your line. Would be happy to contribute to your project. Anyone interested in comparing notes, please visit my web site and drop me a line. Gene
Home Page Link
Gene Wheeler
Chatham, IL USA - Friday, November 26, 2004 at 16:15:36 (CST)
I am a descendent of Nancy J. Wheeler Campbell and William Campbell.
Topeka, KS USA - Friday, October 17, 2003 at 13:09:07 (CDT)
I am the GGGG Grandson of William Wheeler, Sr through his sons Henry and James. Mr grandfather and grandmother were both Wheelers. I Have alot on both to present. I need info on everything else. I have a copy of William Wheelers will and alot of other info. Thanks.
Mark Wheeler
Springerton, IL USA - Friday, March 21, 2003 at 10:35:01 (CST)
Great site! I am related through Artemissa Wheeler & Alexander Milton Stafford. Much of what I have on further Wheeler's are the result of communication with you, Darlene, and Joe. Willing to share any info at all.
Gary L. Stafford
Western Springs, IL USA - Friday, February 07, 2003 at 16:19:22 (CST)
Census of Gallatin County 1810
Wheeler, William
Male 0-10 born 1800-1810
male 0-10 born 1800-1810
male 10-16 born 1796-1800
male 10-16 born 1796-1800
male 16-26 born 1788-1796
male 16-26 born 1788-1796
male to 45
female 0-10 born 1800-1810
No wife according to Vince's records when the land was sold in NC in 1804 he did not have a wife so all these children would have to be born before 1804
White Co., 1820
male 0-10 born 1810-1820
male 0-10 born 1810-1820
male 0-10 born 1810-1820
(children of second marriage to "Peggy" Margaret
female 0-10 1810-1820 Artimessa
I had intended to post the whole family but in starting I see a problem with the age group they show 4 other males at home but the age brackets do not seem to be correct it shows 3 males born between 1804 & 1810 and we know he did not have a wife in 1804 when he sold his land I will check these again
We know Willis married in Jan 1819, William married before 1816, Henry married in Aug 1820 (but is he included with his father?)
Also I have the first wife of James to be Elizabeth Hamilton and the second Sally Hampton? He was married to Sally at the time of his death in April 1850, On the 1850 census, Fred Wheeler was living with the family after the death of his Uncle James. William Brinkley was appointed guardian of the children with the exception of Rachel who had married Hugh Clark. Rachel died in 1855.
Darlene Farris Sewell
Festus, MO USA - Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 07:08:15 (CST)
I would like to claim the children of Henry & Priscilla
James & Elizabeth Riley 1st child William (not married)
Frederick married Mary Ann Betts her second husband was Francis Renfro, one son David 3rd husband was James Sherman Ames
Elizabeth and David Griffith, children Henry, James F. Mary Priscilla, Amanda and William Wheeler Griffith
John married Lucretia McMahon
Willis married Brannon
Mary or Polly married Robert Hill
Lucinda married Jacob Allen
Solomon married Dorinda Thompson
Thomas died before 1860
Rachel Wheeler daughter of James married Hugh Clark but she died in 1855
Abner Pierce Wheeler son of Willis Ellis Wheeler, first wife was Eliza Crisel and his second wife was Elizabeth Clark, who later married Daniuel Hutchison and divorced and married again. She had 3 children by Abner Pierce Wheeler and 2 daughters by Hutchinson and another daughter Alice by her next husband.
James son of William married two times Elizabeth Hamilton and then Sally Hampton who had one dauaghter Margaret by him.
I have seen a daughter Margaret and a son Latimer for Henry listed by other researchers. Either it is a transccription error or Solomon's middle name is Latimer. Margaret I have never seen but Dick Sloan has her in his list Henry married Margarey Brannon
Darlene Farris Sewell
Festus, MO USA - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 11:56:48 (CST)
I am willing to give what I have, probate records, birth, marriage and personal knowledge. I descend from two of the Wheeler sons, Willis Ellis & Rebecca Charles. Daughter Phoebe married Henry Herman Harrawood. Pheobe was the mother of my grandmother Martha Isabelle Mayberry.
Henry Wheeler married Priscilla Mayberry, brother of David K. Mayberry my great grandfather. David C. Griffith (my great grandfather) married Elizabeth Wheeler the daughter of Henry and Priscilla. Their son James F. married Rachel Mattlock. their son Albert Newton Griffith married Marth Isabell Mayberry.
Although people keep telling me that Andrew is Abner Pierce Wheeler, he is not Abner Pierce Wheeler was born in 1819 and married tow times.
I have probate papers for Alfred Wheeler who is the son of William & Sarah Wheeler Jr. His daughter Hellen Mariah Wheeler Sharpe is listed as a heir to his estate. Her mother was Georgia Ann Morris who he married in 1842 Hellen born in 1843. The other children listed as heirs are the children of Nancy J and William Wheeler.
I also have a George Washington Wheeler who is (I think) the son of William SR. His name appears on several documents as Washington Wheeler and he was in the Black Hawk War in 1832. Any ideas?
Darlene Farris Sewell
Festus, MO USA - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 11:39:08 (CST)
Connected to Wheelers through Martha Ann Wheeler and John Campbell
Joe Kery
Vallejo, CA USA - Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 14:49:24 (CST)
With the start of this guest book, I hope to provide a method for all who are interested in the Wheelers of White/Hamilton Co., Illinois to be able to contact each other. Thanks.
Vince Miller
Amissville, VA USA - Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 21:49:09 (CST)
Back to the Wheeler Page.